You scheduled your mammogram—great job! A mammogram is an incredibly valuable screening exam that can help find cancers at their earliest and most treatable stages.
What you need to know to be prepared for your exam:
Bring prior exams
If you’ve had a previous mammogram at a different office, ensure that those images have been sent to our office or bring them with you to your appointment.
Don’t wear deodorant, lotions, or perfumes
Deodorants, lotions or perfumes on your neck and chest could show up as shadows in your mammogram images. Those shadows could mimic suspicious findings or make an actual abnormality more difficult to see.
Schedule your mammogram the week after your period
Your breasts tend to be less tender during the week after your period. Your breasts are usually most tender the week before and the week during your period.
Don’t wear jewelry
You will need to remove your jewelry—especially earrings and necklaces—before the exam. It’s best not to wear jewelry so you don’t have to worry about storing it or losing it.
Wear no-fuss clothes
Choose clothes that are easy to take on and off and be sure to wear a two-piece outfit so you can remove just the top portion for your exam.
About the mammogram procedure
The entire mammogram procedure will take about 30 minutes. The technologist will help you get into the proper position and then each breast will be compressed for about 30 seconds. Compressing the breasts allows the mammogram machine to capture the most breast tissue possible on the images. This usually produces only mild discomfort for most women. However, if you’re concerned, it may help to take an over-the-counter pain medication about an hour before your appointment. If you have any questions or concerns about the procedure, call the experts at The Breast Center of Maple Grove. Our staff will be happy to provide any information you need.